Suche in
Myers, Lauren J.: Crawford, Emily: Murphy, Claire: Aka-Ezoua, Edoukou: Felix, Christopher: Eyes in the room trump eyes on the screen: effects of a responisve co-viewer on toddlers' responses to and learning from video chat. [2018]
van Reijmersdal, Eva A.: Boerman, Sophie C.: Buijzen, Moniek: Rozendaal, Esther: This is advertising! Effects of disclosing television brand placement on adolescents. [2017]
Rasmussen, Eric E.: Shafer, Autumn: Colwell, Malinda J.: White, Shawna: Punyanunt-Carter, Narissra: u.a.: Relation between active mediation, exposure to Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, and US preschoolers' social and emotional development. [2016]
Kirkorian, Heather L.: Lavigne, Heather J.: Hanson, Katherine G.: Troseth, Georgene L.: Demers, Lindsay B.: u.a.: Video deficit in toddlers' object retrieval: What eye movements reveal about online cognition. [2015]
Gunter, Barrie: Furnham, Adrian: Pappa, Eleni: Effects of television violence on memory for violent and nonviolent advertising. [2005]
Furnham, Adrian: Gunter, Barrie: Walsh, Deidre: Effects of programme context on memory of humorous television commercials. [1998]
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